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    Contacts:Karen Ai
    Mobile phone:0086-15875574048
    Address:Liu Shu Industrial Park, southern suburb of Zengdou, Suizhou, Hubei


    location:home > News Center > Industry

    The Holland study found that beta- carotene can reduce the incidence of heart disease among older people.

    Source:m.jn60.cn Publication time:2022/1/28 15:12:45 Hits:times
    Eating a variety of yellow, orange, dark green vegetables is good for your heart!! According to a new large study published in the February 1999 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Research, these fruits and vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, which can reduce the risk of heart disease in middle-aged and elderly people by up to 50%. Researchers at Erasmus University Medical School in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, tracked a total of 4,802 middle-aged and elderly people aged 55-96 in the Netherlands. A four-year statistical study found that a group that consumed high levels of beta-carotene in their diet had a 45% lower risk of cardiovascular disease than the lowest group.

    The researchers also note that less than 1% of these high-intake groups buy a single beta-carotene supplement, and most of the beta-carotene comes from their favorite fruits and vegetables.

    According to Dr Chris Rosenbloom, a spokesman for the American Dietary Association, External Circuit Dialogue, beta-carotene is known to prevent LDL low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) in arteries from being oxidized to produce embolic vascular disease, a common effect of many antioxidants, that is, to prevent cardiovascular disease. As a result, many natural foods contain very high levels of beta-carotene, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, papaya, mangoes... eat these vegetables should be able to eat enough beta-carotene, as to whether it is necessary to buy beta-carotene supplements, if you are a partisan, maybe a dead sheep to mend. Choice
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